At 32 Dental Urgent Care, we strive to make dentistry simple for you. Our goal is to ensure that every patient who walks through the door is treated with exceptional care at an affordable cost for all their dental and oral health needs.
Dental emergencies are rather frightening and often painful. Immediate treatment is almost always required to alleviate pain and to ensure the tooth has the best possibility of survival. If dental emergencies are not dealt with immediately, it can lead to more significant dental and systemic health concerns. At 32 Dental Urgent Care, we are here for you. We offer urgent/emergent same day services with fixed affordable prices based on service. This means no surprise bills or dealing with insurance.
We also place great emphasis on prevention, oral health education, and building long-lasting relationships with our patients. We hope to make patient’s feel welcomed and comfortable with every visit by providing the most personalized dental care available.
Whether it is emergency care or comprehensive care, Dr. Patel and team is equipped to help with all your dental needs.